Lazy Onion Gravy - Haggis Gravy
Lazy Onion Gravy over Haggis and Roast Potatoes
It is not Scottish tradition to eat Haggis with roast potatoes and onion gravy but if you give it a try it will become a favourite family meal. It is in our house!
I do confess that I haven’t had a lot of success with gravy over the years. It’s either lumpy, runny or tasteless. I have tried the traditional roux method and a variety of different stock cubes but I haven’t ever been happy with my efforts.
I finally, stumbled upon a Jamie Oliver recipe for a balsamic onion gravy. I tried it and it wasn’t exactly what I had been looking for. But with some simple adaptions to be a little more gentle on the purse and very easy to do it has become my go-to gravy recipe. I am sharing my version with you today.
1/2 onion (red or brown) thinly sliced
balsamic vinegar
sesame seed oil (for frying)
good quality stock cube
boiled water
1tbsp cornflour
Heat a wok or large frying pan for two minutes then add your sesame seed oil and heat for a few seconds.
Once the oil is hot enough add the sliced onion and cook for 5-10 minutes until they are soft.
Splash over enough balsamic vinegar to cover the onions (this is really to taste - as the more you add the stronger the flavour will be, I always use between 3-4 tbsps) cook for a couple of minutes.
When the vinegar has started to reduce add the stock cube. I use Kallo organic chicken or vegetables. Stir until the stock cube is dissolved.
Add your water. I always do this by eye, but about 300 - 500ml should be enough. If you are cooking vegetables then use some of the water from there. If you are boiling carrots then you will be adding the BetaCarotene (the orange that collects in the water) to your gravy.
Stir continually until it is fully mixed in.
Take your 1tbsp of cornflour and add to a small amount of cold water, I usually do this in a cup or small jug and mix into a runny paste.
Add the cornflour to the gravy, and stir continuously until it is completely mixed in. If you stop stirring lumps will form. Allow the gravy to thicken up, you can adjust your quantities of water and cornflour to get the consistency you like for gravy.
Season with Salt & Pepper or any other seasoning you want to try.
This recipe makes enough for a meal serving four people.
If you don’t have sesame seed oil, you can use olive oil or butter, but do try the sesame seed oil it does add a little bit of extra flavour.
Tell me how you get on with this. I would love to hear your ideas too.