Sink Cleaning tips
Kitchen Sink cleaning tips
White Vinegar and Bicarbonate of Soda on your kitchen sink.
There is a growing trend for homemade cleaners. I have posted a recipe on this blog before of a multi purpose cleaner that I like to use and I hope that you have tried it.
Here are some of my other green cleaning tips;
Stainless steel sinks can be a challenge to keep clean but I have a super tip for getting them sparkling again and it is really simple so you won’t look back once you have swapped to this technique.
Sprinkle 1 tbsp of bicarbonate of soda into the bottom of your sink. Pour 2 tbsp of white vinegar over the bicarb. It will fizz. wearing gloves, Use a brush or a cloth to wipe the combined solution around the sink. You will see the stains lifting away. Be sure to Rinse really well to avoid leaving any residue of the bicarb and wipe dry with a cloth.
If you have a white or light coloured composite sink, you could try washing powder. sprinkle 1 tbsp of washing powder into the sink and add warm water. Use a cloth to completely cover the sink with the solution then rinse off really well. If your sink is really stained you can fill the sink with water and allow to sit for a few hours or overnight. In the morning your stains will be gone and not a drop of nasty bleach in sight.
This also works well for nasty stains on teapots. put 1tsp of washing powder in your teapot and fill with warm water. Leave overnight. Rinse out and wash again with your usual washing up liquid (or solid soap bar!). Rinse well and see the sparkles.
If you are looking for premium bicarbonate of soda in eco packaging you can buy it at