Less Waste Food Storage

Store soft fruits in glass covered boxes in the fridge to lengthen their lives

Store soft fruits in glass covered boxes in the fridge to lengthen their lives

Caring about our planet has to start with wasting less and food is a good place to start.

We have been trialling keeping soft fruits and some vegetables in glass boxes in the fridge and I have to say we are thrilled with the results.

What to store in glass boxes:

Strawberries, raspberries and grapes all store well in glass containers in the fridge. You can place a piece of kitchen paper in the bottom of the box, but it isn’t entirely necessary depending on how quickly you eat your supply. I have kept strawberries nicely for a week with this method.

Place your partly cut onions in a glass jar (I use a kilner jar) and put in the fridge, the onion keeps well, doesn’t dehydrate and doesn’t make the rest of the food in the fridge smell of onions either.

Fill a large kilner jar with water and use to store carrots and spring onions. They will stay fresh and crisp this way, a bendy carrot is just a dehydrated carrot.

Place your washed and dried lettuce leaves (whoop whoop if yours are home grown) in a glass box with a secure lid and they will keep fresh for a few days. If you have bought rocket, or some other mixed leaf variety that comes in one of those plastic bags then decant straight into glass and they will last so much longer.

Never store mushrooms in glass, they will just go slimy. They are best in a cloth or paper bag.

Do tell us how you get on with this.